What is Garbage Collection in Java?

Core Java Training in Chennai

In programming languages like Java, garbage collection is an essential memory management component. It frees programmers from manually managing and deallocating memory no longer needed, preventing memory leaks and enhancing programs’ general stability and effectiveness. This blog will explore “What is Garbage Collection in Java?”. You can join Core Java Training in Chennai and gain expertise in Java development, enabling you to create robust applications.

Understanding Garbage Collection

Memory allocator and deallocator abstractions are common in programming languages like Java. Memory is allocated to store objects created with the ‘new’ keyword. However, it is the responsibility of the programmer or the runtime environment to free up the memory that the objects occupy once they are no longer required. The act of collecting trash is referred to as Garbage Collection.

In Java, objects that are no longer reachable are considered garbage, and the garbage collector can reclaim their memory. An object is considered unreachable if there are no references to it from any active part of the program, meaning it cannot be accessed or used anymore.

Java Garbage Collection Process

To manage memory, Java has an automatic garbage collection system. Here is a general explanation of the garbage-collecting procedure:


Starting with a collection of known root objects (such as global or local variables in active methods), the garbage collector detects all the objects still in use. As it moves through the object graph, reachable items are noted as “live.”


Following the tagging of live objects, the garbage collector scans the heap to locate and deallocate memory used by objects that have not been tagged as live. These items are suitable for collection since they are regarded as garbage.

Compact (Optional)

A compaction phase is a component of several garbage collection techniques. Live objects are moved together during this stage to fill any gaps left by collected objects. This can increase memory utilization and reduce memory fragmentation. Learn Java from Core Java Training Institutes in Chennai and gain a strong foundation in Java syntax, object-oriented principles, and application development.

Benefits of Garbage Collection

Garbage collection offers several benefits to Java developers and the programs they create:

Memory Leak Prevention

By automatically identifying and collecting unreachable objects, garbage collection prevents memory leaks when objects are not explicitly deallocated.

Simplified Memory Management

Developers don’t need to explicitly allocate and deallocate memory, reducing the risk of memory-related bugs like dangling pointers and memory corruption.

Increased Productivity

Without manual memory management, developers can focus on creating and maintaining application logic rather than spending time on memory-related tasks.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

Java allows the creation of objects without specifying their exact memory requirements. This enables dynamic memory allocation, contributing to flexible and adaptable programs.

Garbage Collection Strategies

Java offers different garbage collection strategies to optimize memory management for various use cases:

Serial Garbage Collector: Suitable for single-threaded applications, it uses a single thread for garbage collection.

Parallel Garbage Collector: Designed for applications with throughput requirements, it uses multiple threads to improve garbage collection performance.

Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) Collector: Optimized for reducing application pause times. It performs most of its work concurrently with the application threads.

G1 Garbage Collector: The Garbage-First collector aims to provide low-latency garbage collection with a balanced trade-off between throughput and pause times.

Java is a fundamental mechanism that automatically manages memory by identifying and collecting unreachable objects. This automated memory management improves developer productivity, reduces memory-related bugs, and contributes to the overall stability and efficiency of Java programs. Join Best Core Java Training in Chennai and learn from basics to advanced concepts and grasp the building blocks of Java programming. Practical exercises and expert guidance pave the way for you to become a proficient Java developer.

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